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Ultra Purge™ 2010

三 17, 2019   //   by admin   //   螺杆清洗料  //  0 评论

Ready-to-Use Chemical Purging Compound



  • 高效
  • 快速清洗
  • 容易使用
  • 对人机安全
  • 应用范围广

Description 产品描述

Ultra Purge™ 2010 是一款含有Ultra-X™ 技术的即用型颗粒清洗剂。可用于螺杆,炮筒,喷嘴,热流道和注塑机树脂料喷射阀门的清洗。

Ultra Purge™ 2010 也能用于片状挤塑线和带有或不带有储能器的吹塑机的清洗。这款清洗料是由高质量的热塑性树脂和高效的清洗添加剂组成,不含有研磨填料。
Ultra Purge™ 2010 能用于加工温度在170°C (338°F) 到300°C (572°F).


Ultra Purge™ 2010 适用于下列热塑性树脂:

树脂 适用性
结晶树脂 ++
PA, POM ++
Polyolefins 聚烯烃 +
PS +
PVC ++
TPU ++
从任何树脂转换到 PC


外观       灰褐色和半透明白色颗粒的混合物



  • 不要把Ultra Purge™ 产品通过加热的加料管加入,Ultra Purge™ 产品在 80°C / 176°F 下即开始熔化。.
  • 浸泡时间不建议超过推荐的时间。
  • 每次清洗,不要使用比推荐量更多的Ultra Purge™
  • 处理热敏性树脂或添加剂时,不要升高温度。
  • 不要成型难脱模的部件,Ultra Purge 会成型不满。Do not mold difficult- to-eject parts – when molding Ultra Purge™ you may get a short shot.
  • 不要在Ultra Purge™ 的工作温度以外使用它。


本文描述了如何一般使用Ultra Purge™产品。对于客户的特别应用,需要您咨询离您最近的肯天销售办公室或者当地的分销商。

请在使用Ultra Purge™前认真阅读相关的SDS。


  1. 把射台移到向后的位置。我们推荐在向设备添加Ultra Purge™ 时,炮筒里保持充满树脂。
  2. 手工清除料斗/混合器/过滤器中所有可能的污染源。
  3. 加入Ultra Purge™ (充满炮筒).
  4. 开始空射直到你看到Ultra Purge™ 被喷出喷嘴。
  5. 对于大于500 吨的机器,我们推荐把射胶量减少到最大射胶量的20%。
  6. 为达到最佳性能,我们推荐浸泡时间为3 分钟。
  7. 在加入Ultra Purge™ 后直接加入即将要生产的树脂/色料并开始空射直到Ultra Purge™ 被置换出来。(对于换料时要使用不同的工作温度的情况,要先把炮筒中的Ultra Purge™ 清空后再开始加入即将要生产的树脂原料 )
  8. 空射4-5 次,让即将生产的树脂完全取代Ultra Purge™.
  9. 假如污染还没有清除,重复上面的步骤。

清洗热流道系统 – 开模 – 注塑:

  1. 我们推荐在向设备中加入Ultra Purge™时保持炮筒里充满树脂。
  2. 如果可能,我们推荐升高热流道(尖端和歧管),和喷嘴的温度30°C/54°F。
  3. 手工清除料斗/混合器/过滤器中所有可能的污染源。
  4. 加入Ultra Purge™ (充满炮筒)。
  5. 在开模的状态下,开始注塑直到你看到Ultra Purge™被挤出热流道。
  6. 对于大于500 吨的机器,我们推荐把射胶量减少到最大射胶量的20%。
  7. 为达到最佳性能,我们推荐清洗料在炮筒中浸泡时间为3 分钟。在加入Ultra Purge™ 后直接加入即将要生产的树脂
  8. 持续挤出 Ultra Purge™.
  9. 空射4-5 次,让即将生产的树脂完全取代Ultra Purge™ 。把所有参数调整成为即将生产的树脂准备。
  10. 假如污染还没有清除,重复上面的步骤。


清洗热流道系统 – 闭模 – 注塑:

  1. 我们推荐在向设备中加入Ultra Purge™时保持炮筒里充满树脂。
  2. 如果可能,我们推荐升高热流道(尖端和歧管),和喷嘴的温度30°C/54°F。
  3. 手工清除料斗/混合器/过滤器中所有可能的污染源。
  4. 加入Ultra Purge™ (充满炮筒),并且开始注塑成型直到全部的 Ultra Purge™ 都被注塑出来。
  5. 在加入Ultra Purge™ 后直接加入即将要生产的树脂
  6. 在 Ultra Purge™ 后继续注塑产品。
  7. 成型4-5 次,让即将生产的树脂完全取代Ultra Purge™ 。把所有参数调整成为即将生产的树脂准备。
  8. 假如污染还没有清除,重复上面的步骤。



  1. 把射台移到向后的位置。我们推荐在向机器添加Ultra Purge™ 时,炮筒里保持充满树脂。
  2. 加入半个炮筒的 Ultra Purge™.
  3. 减少射胶量并且持续挤出直到炮筒清空。在ULTRA PURGE™ 后不要加入树脂。
  4. 彻底关闭机器,不要把加热器设在“维护/空闲”模式下


  1. 开机到生产设置,加入半个炮筒的Ultra Purge™ ,然后加入即将要生产的树脂,然后开始正常的生产。



  1. 我们推荐在向设备中加入Ultra Purge™时保持炮筒里充满树脂。
  2. 我们建议去掉最细的一层过滤网。确保在使用Ultra Purge™时压力和扭矩力都保持在安全范围以内。
  3. 加入Ultra Purge™(大概1.5 倍的挤出机料桶的容积).
  4. 慢速下不断挤出直到看见 Ultra Purge™
  5. 我们推荐让Ultra Purge™ 在炮筒中静置5 分钟,对于比较难清洗的情况,让Ultra Purge™ 在炮筒中静置10 分钟。
  6. 在加入Ultra Purge™ 后直接加入即将要生产的树脂(对于换料时要使用不同的工作温度的情况,要先把炮筒中的Ultra Purge™ 清空后再开始加入即将要生产的树脂原料,并且把温度条件设定为满足要生产的树脂 )
  7. 在高速下连续挤出即将要生产的树脂以便完全排出Ultra Purge™.
  8. 如果可能,在这一步更换滤网。
  9. 假如污染还没有清除,重复上面的步骤。



  1. 我们推荐在向设备中加入Ultra Purge™时保持炮筒里充满树脂。
  2. 我们建议去掉最细的一层过滤网。确保在使用Ultra Purge™时压力和扭矩力都保持在安全范围以内。
  3. 加入Ultra Purge™ (充满炮筒)。
  4. 持续挤出直到炮筒清空。在ULTRA PURGE™ 后不要加入树脂。
  5. 彻底关闭机器,不要把加热器设在“维护/空闲”模式下。


  1. 开机到生产设置,加入半个炮筒的Ultra Purge™ ,然后是即将要生产的树脂,然后开始正常的生产。
  2. 如果可能,在这一步更换滤网。
  3. 如果污染还没有清除,就开始标准的清洗程序。在开机时看到污染物被排出是正常的。



  1. 开始清洗工艺之前,把挤出模头的中间区域温度降低20°C/36°F 而把边缘的温度升高20°C/36°F
  2. 人工清除加料区域的污染。
  3. 我们推荐在向设备中加入Ultra Purge™时保持炮筒里充满树脂。
  4. 我们建议去掉最细的一层过滤网。确保在使用Ultra Purge™时压力和扭矩力都保持在安全范围以内。
  5. 加入1 个(炮筒+挤出模头)容量的 Ultra Purge™.
  6. 在慢速螺杆转动下挤出Ultra Purge™,控制Ultra Purge™在5-10 分钟内流过炮筒。
  7. 在加入Ultra Purge™ 后直接加入即将要生产的树脂。
  8. 当Ultra Purge™ 开始被挤出后,增大螺杆转速到最大安全速度,以便快速排除所有的污染物。
  9. 把所有参数调整成为即将生产的树脂准备,并开始正常的生产。
  10. 如果可能,在这一步更换滤网。
  11. 假如污染还没有清除,重复上面的步骤。

润滑油lusin lub PY300f

六 16, 2013   //   by admin   //   食品级系列  //  0 评论

特种润滑剂 装配油膏


  1. 耐高压
  2. 防粘滑
  3. 耐热水和水蒸汽
  4. 良好防腐性
  5. 耐酸、碱介质
  6. 易喷涂
  7. 具有食品级


颜色、外观  米色、膏状
使用温度℃ -40~1200
密度 DIN 51 757,20℃ (g/cm3) 1.35
滴落温度℃  >300
工作温度℃ -30~300


LUSIN LUB PY300F 是基于矿物油和无机固体润滑混合物的膏状、米色特种润滑剂及安装剂。该产品适用于高压和防止磨损。
LUSIN LUB PY300F 可防止粘滑,耐热水、水蒸汽及酸、碱介质。喷雾罐类型含环境友好型推进剂。


LUSIN LUB PY300F 用于塑料加工机械的滑块、顶针润滑,顶针不会在产品上留下顶针痕。可用于润滑和维护,特别适用于低速润滑,适用于粘滑和静态荷载润滑。



保质期:膏状 1 年,喷灌2 年。

  1. 140g,1500g 编号254030
  2. 400ml 喷灌 编号 051050

防锈剂lusin protect o45f

六 16, 2013   //   by admin   //   食品级系列  //  1 评论


Grease based anticorrosive with foodstuff approval1


- foodstuff approved
- stable, transparent protective film – repels water

Typical Performance Characteristics

Product description

Shelf life :

润滑油lusin lub o32f

六 16, 2013   //   by admin   //   润滑油  //  2 评论


Lubricant and Release Agent with 100 % active ingredient4


  1. 100% active ingredient
  2. Highly effective
  3. Dilutable with water
  4. silicone-free- solvent free
  5. Environmental friendly
  6. NSF Registered according to H1category code
  7. 2002/72/EU compliantDescription

Lusin® Lub O 32 F can be used as lubricant or release agent in the production of products that have incidental food contact. Lusin® Lub O 32 F applied on a die e.g. blown film application reduces the build up during production. If Lusin® Lub O 32 F is applied to the outside surface of PET preforms it reduces scratches to the plastic surfaces occurring during transport and handling to an absolute minimum. Diluted with water Lusin® Lub O 32 F can be sprayed to warm or hot molds and work as a release agent. Application to cold molds is not recommended as the material contains in its diluted version water which will take a long time at room temperature to evaporate.

Lusin® Lub O 32 F is self emulsifying when mixed with water.

Typical Properties


In terms of lubrication of the outside surface of PET preforms Lusin® Lub O 32 F should be diluted with deionised water in a ratio of 1 + 5. For the dilution the required amount of Lusin® Lub O 32 F should be added to deionised water and the mixture constantly

stirred using a stirrer. During this process the color of

For superior lubrication applications with incidental food contact Lusin® Lub O 32 F should not be diluted. The product is also suitable as release agent in the thermoplastic processing industry. The mould temperature should not exceed 200°C in terms of injection molding, for film applications the die temperature should not exceed 240°C.

In case of a mold application with the ready to use material the minimum temperature of the mold should be not below 80°C to ensure that water can evaporate.

Storage / Handling

For further information on storage, handling, hazards, etc. please refer to safety data sheet.

Shelf life: Approx. 24 months as 100% active ingredient. In case of a dilution with water on site max 2 month.

Packaging: 1l, 20 l, 200 l, truck load upon request. art. no. 905167


Yellow liquid


0,98 – 1,02 g/ml


120 – 170 mPas



Lusin® Lub O 32 F turns from yellow into white.

The information contained in this document is given in good faith based on our current knowledge. It is only an indication and in no way binding, particularly as regards infringement of or prejudice to third party rights through the use of our products. Chem-Trend warrants only that it’s products will meet it’s sales specifications. This information must on no account be used as a substitute for necessary prior tests which alone can ensure that a product is suitable for a given use. Users are requested to check that they are in possession of the latest version of this document and Chem-Trend is at their disposal to supply any additional information.

高温油lusin lub uh196-402

六 16, 2013   //   by admin   //   润滑油  //  0 评论


White high-temperature lubricating and assembly paste2-LOGO96-402


  1. high performance lubricating and assembly paste authorized in accordance with USDA-H1 – free from metals
  2. excellent low-temperature behaviour
  3. good corrosion protection
  4. neutral towards alloyed steels – temperature limit 1200 °C
  5. water pollution category 1

Typical Performance characteristics


LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 is suitable for a variety of friction points in food processing machines which are subject to high loads.

As an assembly pastem, for bolts, pins, bushings, etc

As a lubricating paste, for guide rails, hinges, rollers, chains, etc

As a lubricating paste preventing fretting corrosion, for rolling and plain bearing seats, etc

Application notes

Before applying LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 it is important to clean and degrease the contact surfaces thoroughly. A thin layer of the paste is then applied by brush or synthetic sponge.

LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 spreads easily over the entire surface and thus prevents over-lubrication. We recommend carrying out compatibility tests before applying the paste to plastic materials.

Shelf life : 2 years Storage / Handling

For further information on storage, handling, hazards, etc. please refer to safety data sheet.


spray 400 ml : 12 spray cans per box) Code N°: 151030

Paste : 80 g tube 750 cartridge

Code N°: 254050

Colour White
Service temperature range, °C, approx. -40 to 1200 >200°C dry lubrication
Density, DIN 51 757, at 20°C (g/cm3), approx. page1image263521.58
Base oil viscosity, DIN 51 561, at 40°C, (mm2/s) 400
Drop point, DIN ISO 2176, °C >250
Worked penetration at 25°C, DIN ISO 2137 –ASTM D 271) 0,1 mm 265-295
Corrosion behaviour, SKF Emcor test, DIN 51 802, 1 week, dist. water, rating 0/1page1image39568page1image39888
Pressfit, friction coefficient 0,10 no stick slip
Four-ball tester, welding load, DIN 51 350 pt 4, N >2500page1image45528page1image45848


In the normal temperature range LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 provides good protection against corrosion and is very resistant to water. The friction coefficient in accordance with Tannert is approx. 0.1 at 300 N. This paste adheres very well to metal surfaces and prevents stick slip when assembling pressfit machine elements. The solid lubricant particles become effective if the components are subject to increased temperatures for an extended period. In a dry condition LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 is suitable for temperatures up to 1200 °C.Product description

LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 is a white, metal-free high- temperature lubricating and assembly paste authorised in accordance with USDA-H1. It contains a fully synthetic base oil and a mixture of inorganic solid lubricants. The raw materials do not contain heavy metals or sulphur.

LUSIN® LUB UH1 96-402 was especially developed as a lubricating and assembly paste for machines used in the food processing and pharmaceutical industries. Up to a temperature of 160 °C its tribological behaviour is mainly determined by the base oil.

While the technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, nothing stated in this bulletin is to be taken as a warranty either expressed or implied.


Further Information

Request information on our complete range of materials for this industry.


lusin® clean G301

六 13, 2013   //   by admin   //   产品介绍, 螺杆清洗料  //  0 评论



  1. 专为聚烯烃树脂的清洗研制
  2. 适合温度300 度以下
  3. 用量少
  4. 使用中无异味
  5. 快速清洗
  6. 通过食品级产品认证


LUSIN® CLEAN G301 是一种基于高性能原料和清洁助剂的颗粒状树脂,

  1. 换料换色时清除螺杆、料筒、喷嘴上的沉积物。
  2. 没有研磨成分
  3. 不挥发刺激性气体


  1. 用量-参考相关表格
  2. 清空料筒
  3. 用少量本色原料进行前段清洗
  4. 加入Lusin® Clean G301 在料筒中塑化清洗剂,温度与之前加工原料的温度相同。
  5. 在Lusin® Clean G301 出来后,停机,可使清洗剂在料筒中停留10 分钟
  6. 然后在高的螺杆转速下将剩余清洗剂射出,其间可开关模板数次污染严重时,步骤4 至步骤6 可重复操作
  7. 清洗结束后,将温度调整到新产品的温度
  8. 射空清洗剂后正常生产。

保质期:2 年。


包装:25kg 袋装。

Code-No. 273905


螺杆直径(mm) 用量(kg)
30 1
35 1.5
40 2
50 4
70 10
90 20
120 30

lusin clean L21

六 13, 2013   //   by admin   //   清洗剂  //  0 评论



  1. 移除聚合物残渣
  2. 快速清洗
  3. 可应用于食品级产品


闪点,℃ <-10
折射率(20℃) 1.4333~1.4359


Lusin® Clean L 21 是一种有机物清洗剂,特别用于金属表面树脂和其他残留物质。该产品应快速使用。


将该产品喷涂至受污染模具另其反应,然后用干净抹布或注射清除脏物。如需要可重复喷涂几次,升高温度并延长反应时间(最多1 小时)。清洁表面后可喷涂Lusin® Protect G11 或Lusin® Protect G31 防腐剂。

保质期:1 年(喷雾剂同)



  1. 喷雾罐:400ml,每盒12 罐
  2. 即用型:1L,10L,20L

lusin® alro ol151 & o151

六 13, 2013   //   by admin   //   脱模剂  //  0 评论




  1. 适用温度 150℃以下5-LOGO151
  2. 多次脱模
  3. 水溶性
  4. 应用范围广

典型参数:(OL 151 即用型)

密度(g/ml)20℃ 约 0.8
固含量(%) 约 11
闪点℃,DIN 51755 <-7


LUSIN® ALRO OL 151 是不含硅油的多功能脱模剂,基于合成溶剂合外加剂,模具温度 150℃以下。


  1. 高压下优异的脱模、润滑性能。
  2. 多次循环,可多次脱模。
  3. 水溶性。
  4. 可进行部件的二次加工,如上漆、印刷、黏贴等。(建议用前试验)

LUSIN® ALRO OL 151 即用喷雾脫模剂含有混合有机溶剂。
LUSIN® ALRO O 151 浓缩型可用 LUSIN THINNER A41 稀释到所需浓度。


用于所有热塑性塑料的脱模,其中对 PC、ABS 的脱模我们建议采用 LUSIN® ALRO OL 141。


对于较厚的喷涂膜,可能会影响后处理,脱模剂残留可用水和清洗剂混合液洗掉(如 LUISN® CLEAN W 81)。


  1. 即用型 12 个月
  2. 喷雾罐 2 年


  1. 喷雾罐 400ml(12 罐/箱)
  2. 即用型 1L,5L,20L,200L

lusin alro O302S

六 9, 2013   //   by admin   //   纺织专用雾化硅油  //  0 评论

Release agent and lubricant spray for spinnerettes in plastic filament production



- Excellent release and antifriction effect – Efficient prevention of filament breaking

Product description

Lusin® Alro O 302 S is a release agent and lubricant for spray application to spinnerette plates.

It reduces contamination on the plates and prevents breaking of the filament and the ensuing down time on the plant.

Lusin® Alro O 302S can be used in the production of filaments for nylon, polyester, polypropylene and other synthetic materials.

Special properties:

  1. silicone based for continuous operating temperature up to 300°C
  2. Excellent release and lubrication effect.
  3. good adhesion to metallic surfaces.Instructions for use
  4. shake spray can before use.
  5. spray spinnerette plate lightly from about 30 cm distance

Shelf life: 2 years Storage / Handling

For further information on storage, handling, hazards, etc. please refer to safety data sheet.


spray can 400 ml : (12 cans/carton)

Code No. 001025 .1


Further Information

Request information on our complete range of materials for this industry.

While the technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, nothing stated in this bulletin is to be taken as a warranty either expressed or implied.

脱模剂lusin alro O153S

六 9, 2013   //   by admin   //   食品级系列  //  0 评论

Lusin® Alro O 153 S

Universal silicone release agent for plastic and rubber processing at mould temperature up to 150 °C


  1. suitable for use in foodstuff applications – for mould temperatures up to 150 °C
  2. easy demould
  3. wide range of applications
  4. can also be used as a lubricant – multiple demould

Product description

The release agent is based on colourless and odorless non-reactive silicone oils (dimethyl siloxanes).

Special properties:

  1. solvent free
  2. good release and slip effect
  3. long cycle times (multiple demould) – approved for foodstuff applications

Shelf life: 2 years

Storage / Handling

For further information on storage, handling, hazards, etc. please refer to safety data sheet.

Packaging, spray can 400 ml ( 12 cans/carton) Code No.: 001070

The test certificate of the German Material Research and Test Institute (BAM) for an external release agent for the production of plastic articles for foodstuff use is available.


As a multiple demould release agent for processing of thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers (except for silicone rubber). As a release agent and lubricant for printing, foodstuff and packaging applications. As a lubricant and polish for rubber and plastics parts. A fine film should be applied to the clean mould surface taking particular care to cover edges and undercuts. When used as a polish a fine film should be applied to the surface of the part. Do not use on parts which are to be finished laquering, galvanising).


Further Information

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